Anti-Israel Protests Erupt across the Globe: ‘USA Go to Hell!’ – WATCH

Anti-Israel Protests Erupt across the Globe: ‘USA Go to Hell!’ – WATCH

Anti-Israel protests have erupted across the globe ahead of the imminent ground invasion of Gaza, were two million Palestinians remain trapped.

Thousands of demonstrators holding Palestinian flags took to the streets across cities in Bangladesh, South Korea, Lebanon, Iraq and Greece, with some burning American, British and Israeli flags holding up signs reading, ‘USA go to hell.’



The Daily Mail reported:

Tens of thousands of protesters rallied across Egypt to condemn Israel’s constant bombardment of Gaza, with large crowds flooding into Cairo’s iconic Tahir Square.

Thousands of Jordanians marched in the capital, Amman, chanting slogans urging Hamas terrorists to intensify their strikes on Israel.

“Oh Hamas, hit them with al-Qassam rockets… Bring the suicide bombers to Tel Aviv,” the Jordanian protesters chanted, referring to the military wing of Hamas.

And hundreds of anti-Israel protests took place at Iraq’s border crossing with Jordan in a demonstration organized by the Coordination Framework, an alliance of Iran-backed Shia political groups and militias in Iraq

A thousand more protesters gathered outside the US embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, today where they burned Israeli flags and portraits of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden.

In Bangladesh, the scene of fierce demonstrations last week, hundreds of Muslims gathered on the streets of Dhaka following their Friday prayers, while in Turkey, demonstrators set fire to British and Israeli flags as well as an effigy of Netanyahu.

And in South Korea’s capital of Seoul, scores of protesters shouted ‘Stop the massacre by Israel’ as they waved Palestinian flags and raised anti-Israel banners.

The protests come as Israel prepares for a imminent ground invasion of the war-torn enclave, with columns of Israeli tanks massed on the Israel-Gaza border and thousands of soldiers readying themselves for battle today.

Israel has vowed to wipe out Hamas, which rules Gaza, after its gunmen burst through the barrier fence surrounding the enclave on October 7 and rampaged through Israeli towns and kibbutzes, killing 1,400 people.

Tens of thousands of Israeli soldiers and scores of tanks and armoured vehicles are now positioned on the border – ready for a ground assault on the Gaza Strip where 203 hostages are being held captive by Hamas terrorists.

The massing of artillery and men at the border comes after heavy machine gunfire was heard along the border in the early hours of this morning.

And today, Israel continued to pound Gaza with a relentless stream of airstrikes with the IDF saying their fighter jets hit over 100 ‘operational targets’ of Hamas terrorists overnight. The strikes destroyed tunnel shafts, munitions warehouses and dozens of operational headquarters, the IDF said.

Israel also began evacuating a northern Israeli city near the Lebanese border in yet another sign of an impending ground invasion that could trigger turmoil across the Middle East.

The two million Palestinians trapped in the small enclave, where thousands have been killed and entire towns obliterated in the Israeli airstrikes, are now bracing themselves for the invasion that is expected to result in further major casualties.

In the nearly two weeks since Israel began its withering aerial bombardment in response to a devastating attack by Hamas terrorists that saw 1,300 people slaughtered, thousands of homes have been destroyed across the 25-mile enclave and 3,785 Palestinians killed, including 1,524 children.

And Israel’s ruthless bombardment of the Gaza Strip has sparked global protests for weeks.

Today, hundreds of demonstrators descended onto the streets of Istanbul, Turkey, where they set fire to an effigy of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and British and Israeli flags.