Trump Slams Biden for Blocking RFK Jr. from Debates

Trump Slams Biden for Blocking RFK Jr. from Debates  candidate
The only thing the DNC & RNC agree on is they don’t want RFK Jr. to debate their candidates.

President Donald Trump on Thursday blasted Democrat presidential opponent Joe Biden for blocking independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from participating in upcoming debates.

On Wednesday, the Biden campaign agreed to two debates against Trump; however, they set specific parameters, including demands prohibiting in-person audiences and a request the debates be one-on-one between Biden and Trump only.

“Crooked Joe Biden does not want RFK Jr. in the debates because Junior’ is far left [like] him and they would be debating over the same territory, like ridiculous Open Borders and the Green New Scam, both of which are killing our Country,” Trump declared on Truth Social Thursday.

“He’s also sharper and far more intelligent than Joe, all making for a bad combination of ingredients,” Trump added, going on to point out RFK Jr. should be able to join the debate even though he doesn’t meet requirements.

“I don’t care if [Junior] joins the Debate, but right now his polling numbers are very low, he is not properly qualified in the States, and he seems to be on a downward path. Junior’ needs more than his name to get on the ‘stage!’”

On X Wednesday evening, RFK declared he will indeed meet debate qualifications by the deadline, writing, “I’m happy to report that I will meet the criteria to participate in the @CNN debate before the June 20 deadline. I look forward to holding Presidents Biden and Trump accountable for their records in Atlanta on June 27 to give Americans the debate they deserve. #KennedyShanahan24”

Biden’s team argued the debate should be kept one-on-one in order not to “squander” precious debate time.

“The debates should be one-on-one, allowing voters to compare the only two candidates with any statistical chance of prevailing in the Electoral College — and not squandering debate time on candidates with no prospect of becoming President,” the Biden campaign wrote.

As news of the Biden team’s debate restrictions spread on Wednesday, RFK released a statement accusing Biden and Trump of “colluding to lock America into a head-to-head match-up that 70% say they do not want.”

“They are trying to exclude me from their debate because they are afraid I would win. Keeping viable candidates off the debate stage undermines democracy,” RFK wrote.

“By excluding me from the stage, Presidents Biden and Trump seek to avoid discussion of their eight years of mutual failure including deficits, wars, lockdowns, chronic disease, and inflation,” he added.

NBC News explains the conditions required for candidates to participate in the debate:

In addition to meeting constitutional requirements and registering as a candidate with the Federal Election Commission, both news organizations [ABC & CNN] are requiring that candidates are on the ballot in enough states to reach at least 270 electoral votes, that candidates “accept the rules and format of the debate,” and that candidates receive at least 15% in four national polls of registered or likely voters.