Digital IDs Simultaneously Rolled Out by Multiple WEF-Infiltrated Govt’s

Digital IDs Simultaneously Rolled Out by Multiple WEF-Infiltrated Govt’s

Now, the digital identification phase of this dystopian plan is being rolled out in almost every WEF-infiltrated nation.

The Australian Parliament passed digital ID laws last Thursday, the American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) added digital IDs to its list of acceptable forms of identification two weeks prior, and the latest EU digital ID rules will be rolled out this Monday. reports: Earlier this month, the Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) certified its first digital ID verification platform for operation.

Taking cue directly from an April WEF digital ID report, the Biden Administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan was updated this month.

The administration included digital identification via facial recognition biometrics to its updated agenda.

At least eleven U.S. states already allow digital driver’s licenses, and other states such as New Mexico are currently looking to do the same.

Australian Minister of Finance Katy Gallagher joined News Breakfast this week to assure citizens the nation’s new digital IDs will not be compulsory and that they won’t be used to track them.

Of course, as Wide Awake Media noted on X, “The EXACT same people who assured you the mRNA injections would be voluntary (and were “safe and effective”), are now assuring you digital ID will be voluntary, and won’t be used for any sinister purposes by the government. They are lying to you again.”

The IDs may not be compulsory now, but rest assured governments will create an excuse to mandate them as soon as possible.

India has served as the testing ground for the New World Order’s biometric surveillance scheme, with globalists like Bill Gates recently praising the country for allowing the World Bank to monitor its “digital public infrastructure (DPI).”

The United National Development Program (UNDP) “50-in-5” campaign launched last year has been used to test the digital IDs in 50 developing countries.

After the elite have used the Third World as test subjects they begin installing their draconian measures in the West, eventually creating a worldwide system.

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts delivered an epic speech exposing the true nature of the digital ID rollout.