NATO Country Allows Ukraine to Use F-16s Against Russia

NATO Country Allows Ukraine to Use F-16s Against Russia

Dutch Defense Minister confirms Ukraine can use donated F-16s without restrictions, contrasting Belgium’s stance.

The Netherlands has announced that it will not impose any restrictions on Ukraine regarding the use of the 24 F-16 fighter jets it is set to receive. This decision allows Kiev to deploy the aircraft as it sees fit, according to Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren.

In an interview with Politico during the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, Ollongren stated, “We are applying the same principle that we have applied to every other delivery of capabilities, which is: once we hand it over to Ukraine, it’s theirs to use.” She emphasized that the Dutch government only requires its arms to be used in compliance with international law.

This approach differs from that of Belgium, which has offered 30 fighter jets to Ukraine under the condition that they can only be used within territories claimed by Kiev as Ukrainian. Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has insisted on this limitation.

Western nations, including Denmark and Norway, have provided Ukrainian pilots with training to operate the US-designed fighter jets. The transfer of these aircraft to Ukraine could begin within months, according to coalition members. Danish Foreign Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen recently mentioned that Ukraine could use the 19 F-16s pledged by Denmark to target Russian military facilities.

Ukraine hopes that the introduction of advanced US military technology will shift the battlefield dynamics in its favor, as Russia currently holds significant air superiority.

Moscow views the enhancement of Ukraine’s air power as escalatory and a potential nuclear threat, especially since F-16s can deploy American B61 nuclear gravity bombs. Some of these weapons are stored in NATO countries, including Belgium, as part of the alliance’s nuclear-sharing arrangement.