Donald Trump Promises to Declassify JFK, 9/11, Epstein Files if Reelected

Donald Trump Promises to Declassify JFK, 9/11, Epstein Files if Reelected

Former President Donald Trump has pledged to release classified documents regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the case against sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein if he is reelected in November. Trump’s promised declassification aims to restore the public’s lost trust in American institutions after decades of perceived coverups.

Speaking with a panel of “Fox and Friends” hosts on Monday, former President Trump doubled down on his past promises to shed light on the trifecta of mystery-shrouded incidents.

“Would you declassify the 9/11 files,” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy asked.

“Yeah,” Trump replied.

“Would you declassify the JFK files?” she asked.

“Yeah, I did a lot of it,” Trump responded.

Roughly 99 percent of the documents addressing the assassination of President Kennedy have already been declassified, with President Joe Biden releasing more than 16,000 since 2021. However, the remaining 1 percent has been withheld by government officials for decades, fueling conspiracy theories and speculation.

“Would you declassify the Epstein files?” Campos-Duffy continued.

“Yeah, I would,” Trump stated.

A large batch of documents pertaining to the late sex trafficker was released earlier this year in connection with lawsuits against Epstein’s former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell. However, Epstein’s infamous client list has been kept largely confidential, with only a select few names of associates—including former President Bill Clinton, physicist Stephen Hawking, and many others—being made publicly available.

Trump himself was named in several documents as an individual in Epstein’s orbit, but there has notably been no proof or even claims that he ever visited the trafficker’s island residence.

During the same interview, Trump also said that he would “be okay” with spending time in jail for the felony charges against him. He went on to declare that his intention for the 2024 election is to settle a score with his rivals in the Democratic Party.

“My revenge will be success,” he said. “These are bad people. These people are sick, and they do things that are so destructive… if it weren’t me, they’d be going after somebody else, and I know a lot of the competition. They wouldn’t do so well.”