Le Pen Vows To Deport Foreigners Who Push “Totalitarian Ideology” In France

Le Pen Vows To Deport Foreigners Who Push “Totalitarian Ideology” In France

National Rally leader Marine Le Pen has vowed to shut down radical mosques and deport Islamists with dual nationality in her first major speech after winning the EU elections in France.

“Give me one reason, only one, to keep on our territory foreigners who collaborate with a totalitarian ideology that wants the death of the French?” Le Pen told a raucous crowd.

Laying out her manifesto on the subject of mass migration, Le Pen asserted, “Dual nationals connected to the Islamist ideology must be stripped of the nationality & expelled.”

“The French who adopt the ideology of the enemy must be brought before justice & punished,” she added, demanding, “The laws exist, they just need to be applied. These laws will be applied without weakening.”

Revealing that she would also put a stop to the flood of illegal boat migrants heading to England from France, Le Pen vowed, “Radical mosques will be shut down, hate preachers expelled. Salafism & the Muslim Brotherhood will be dissolved.”

She also promised that the safety of women would be ensured and that the new measures would not impinge on the rights of ordinary law-abiding citizens.

“With me the security will not go against liberty, in any case, not against the liberty of honest people,” said Le Pen.

The crowd who attended the speech burst out into chants of “Marine President” during the speech.