UK Politicians Abandon Ship on “Safe and Effective” Narrative


A dramatic shift in rhetoric has emerged, signaling trouble for vaccine pushers.

UK Politicians Abandon Ship on “Safe and Effective” Narrative

No politician dares to say “safe and effective” anymore in the UK Parliament. Why? Because it now seems that they can see the writing on the wall.

MP Andrew Bridgen revealed to Liz Gunn that his relentless efforts to highlight excess deaths have shattered the “safe and effective” narrative. Now, vaccine pushers are staring down a grim potential reality: “If they say ‘safe and effective’ now, I think they’re putting five to ten years on their sentence when we get them in court,” Bridgen said.

As a result, politicians have made a dramatic pivot. Instead of claiming the shots are “safe and effective,” they now refer to them as “the best solution.” This shift in language is a clear sign that the reckoning for the jabs is imminent, and officials are now scrambling to evade accountability.

Clip Transcript:

“The rate of information coming out with regard to the adverse events and deaths attributed to the so-called COVID-19 vaccines is increasing exponentially. No one dare say ‘safe and effective’ anymore in the UK Parliament. They call it ‘the best solution.’ ‘The best solution.’ But they can’t use ‘safe and effective.’ I mean, quite honestly, if they say ‘safe and effective’ now, I think they’re putting five to ten years on their sentence when we get them in court.”

Watch the full interview: