Tech Billionaire Gives 2024 Election Prediction, Sends Democrats into Panic

Tech Billionaire Gives 2024 Election Prediction, Sends Democrats into Panic

Billionaire co-founder of Susquehanna International Group (SIG) Jeff Yass, a registered libertarian since 1996, has given Democrats a reality check on the upcoming 2024 election.

Yass currently stands as Pennsylvania’s wealthiest individual with a massive $47 billion fortune.

He also holds a $21 billion stake in TikTok, the Daily Mail reported.

Recently, rumors have been swirling about Yass potentially joining the presidential cabinet if his candidate, Donald Trump.

However, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung stated that there have been “no discussions of who will serve in a second Trump administration.”

“He doesn’t have any donors. He doesn’t need the money. He gets so much free publicity,” Yass told the Wall Street Journal in 2022.

“It’s not like you can influence him at all. The only thing you can appeal to is, ‘You’re gonna lose and be humiliated.’”

Yass’s prediction contrasts with Dr. Allan Lichtman’s, the forecaster who rightly predicted presidential for the last 40 years.

Lichtman predicts that Joe Biden will win the 2024 election because “a lot would have to go wrong” for him to lose.

The American University historian relies on his “13 Keys” method, explaining that Biden has lost only two of Lichtman’s keys so far.

Lichtman clarified that a candidate losing six keys is likely to lose the presidential election.

However, Lichtman admitted Trump’s guilty verdict hasn’t shaken his base.

“Here we do have, for the first time, not just a former president but a major party candidate sitting in a trial, and who knows if he’s convicted.”

“There’s a good chance he will be – how that might scramble things,” the historian added.

Meanwhile, Yass said Trump will be the ultimate victor this year.

For years, Yass has spent millions supporting politicians advocating for reduced government intervention in taxes, trading, education, and gaming, with Trump being among these beneficiaries.

As a result, Yass was excluded from a 2023 economic retreat for anti-tax political advocacy group Club for Growth, due to their disapproval of Trump.

However, Trump declared that he and Club for Growth are “back in love” after meeting with Yass at a group retreat just before Trump’s TikTok policy reversal.