Top Doctor Testifies: Covid Shots Caused Deaths to Soar

Top Doctor Testifies: Covid Shots Caused Deaths to Soar

A leading consultant pathologist has confirmed during an explosive testimony that Covid mRNA injections are unsafe, ineffective, and have caused excess deaths to skyrocket around the world.

Dr. Clare Craig provided her testimony to the UK People’s Vaccine Inquiry.

Craig, who has been investigating the Covid pandemic and the deaths and illnesses that followed, has conducted an in-depth study using a variety of official data.

The top British doctor analyzed data from Pfizer’s “vaccine” trial, the UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), ambulance callouts, and long-term sickness.

During her testimony, Craig declared that all of the evidence she has gathered proves that using the word “safe” to describe Covid mRNA “vaccines” is a lie.

Hearings for the People’s Vaccine Inquiry have been underway for months in Scotland.

Several prominent doctors, scientists, academics, and experts have been called to provide testimony during the hearings.

Dr. Craig joins Dr. Jonathan EnglerDr. Ros JonesDr. Dean PattersonDr. Liz EvansPatrick Fagan, and Nick Hunt in submitting evidence for the inquiry.

Craig was called to provide expert witness testimony in her capacity as the co-chair of the Health Advisory and Recovery Team (HART).

Her comprehensive 102-page witness statement can be reviewed HERE.

Craig’s full oral testimony can be viewed in the video below.

During the first half of her testimony, Craig spoke about the alleged “safety” of the Covid mRNA shots.

In the second half, she spoke about the “efficacy” of the vaccines.

She continued by answering questions put to her by science journalist Will Jones.

Among the key points of her testimony, Dr. Craig revealed that government health officials have been lying about the safety of the injections.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is an executive agency of the UK government’s Department of Health and Social Care.

The agency is responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work and are acceptably safe for use in the UK.

Dr. Craig told the People’s Vaccine Inquiry that the public thinks of “vaccines” as a modern miracle.

“The word is almost synonymous with ‘safe and effective’,” she noted.

“However, what has been called Covid ‘vaccines’ are neither safe nor effective and have been pulled from the market long ago.”

The term “safe and effective” was first used to market thalidomide, Craig explained.

Thalidomide is a medication that was first introduced in the 1950s as a sedative and treatment for morning sickness in pregnant women.

However, it was later found to cause severe birth defects in thousands of children born to mothers who took the drug during pregnancy.

It was subsequently banned in most countries and its use was heavily restricted.

“After the thalidomide scandal when at least 5,000 babies had been damaged and at least 5,000 had died, the regulators introduced new rules,” Craig noted.

“And those rules state that the word ‘safe’ could not be used without caveats.”

“The MHRA is responsible for implementing those rules, and they have utterly failed to do so,” she said.

However, the MHRA has used the same misleading term to describe Covid “vaccines.”

“And that was a lie,” Dr. Craig said.

The MHRA also failed to introduce an absolute safety threshold.

This is the minimum level of safety that is considered acceptable or tolerable.

It is the point at which a drug must be either suspended or withdrawn.

“They’ve also ignored all the evidence of harm on the basis of their belief that the benefits always outweigh the risks,” Dr. Craig said.

“That was not always true, that was a lie.”

She testified that doctors who warned about the safety issues, “were threatened and shut down.”

Later in her testimony, Craig exposes the cover-up of harms noted in Pfizer’s Covid “vaccine” trial.

One participant quickly developed pericarditis, a form of heart failure, post-vaccination.

“That illness was put down into the data as being a pneumonia, Covid pneumonia, that was ‘test negative’,” Craig said.

“What that meant was it was not included in the safety data and because the test was negative it didn’t have to be included in the efficacy calculations either.

“So, it was effectively disappeared,” she said.

A twelve-year-old child, Maddie de Garay, developed immune-mediated nerve damage throughout her body.

However, her condition was described in Pfizer’s trial data as being functional abdominal pain.

“So that was another lie,” Craig noted.

“The accumulation of all these lies created the overall lie about the safety of these products,” she said.

The indications of harm continued.

After the mass Covid mRNA shots campaign began, there were early indicators that these injections were harmful.

“The surveillance systems which were designed to detect a problem sounded many alarms,” Craig said.

The doctor continued by detailing how illness and death were treated differently depending on whether a person had received a Covid mRNA injection.

Before the rollout of the mRNA shots, if someone tested positive for Covid, then every symptom after that was considered a symptom of the virus.

However, post-vaccination, the only symptoms that were considered to be related to the injection were a sore arm, a fever, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

As ThaiMBC News has previously reported, several whistleblowers have recently come forward to reveal that deaths from all causes were listed as being caused by Covid in order to boost the mortality rates.

In one shocking example, a person died in a fatal motorbike crash but his cause of death was listed as Covid because he had recently tested positive for the virus.

“Any hospitalization after a Covid positive test was a Covid hospitalization,” Craig revealed.

“But somebody who was hospitalized after the vaccine was almost always considered a coincidence.

“Anybody who died within 28 days of a Covid positive test, was considered to be a Covid death.

“Even when there were other conditions that contributed to that death.

“Whereas, anybody who died after a vaccine, if there was any other possible causation, that was put down on the death certificate,” she said.

“Neither approach is scientific or rational,” she added.

Adding to the spurious classification of Covid and vaccine injuries, some doctors have actively been gaslighting people who have been vaccine-injured.

Some vaccinated people who developed cardiac or neurological symptoms of unknown cause “had their problems described as being due to anxiety by their doctors,” Dr. Craig said.

To add to the lies, “there are also doctors who have told patients that they’ve been vaccine injured but have refused to write it into their medical record,” she said.

Craig continued her testimony by detailing the systemic harm caused by the Covid shots.

The surveillance systems for measuring harm from a drug are designed to detect rare events in a single organ of the body.

“But these products have caused harm across the body,” Dr. Craig said.

“The surveillance systems are not designed to pick up [ ] systemic effects.”

There are several reasons why Covid mRNA shots cause harm all over the body.

Firstly, there are autoimmune diseases.

The platforms are designed so that cells throughout the body express a foreign protein.

After vaccination, the mRNA or DNA from Covid injections enter cells.

Once inside, they use the cells’ machinery to produce what is called the spike protein.

The cells producing this foreign protein – the spike protein – on their surface are sacrificed as the immune system attacks them.

“When you get that kind of organ damage, it looks like an autoimmune disease,” Craig said.

Additionally, the spike protein looks very similar to a human protein.

“There’s about an 80% crossover,” the doctor said.

“That means there is also a risk of conventional autoimmune disease.”

Secondly, there is the vascular damage caused by the Covid shots.

The body contains blood vessels throughout, so the vascular damage can cause harm in all sorts of ways, she said.

Thirdly, there is evidence of endotoxin contamination from the bacteria in the manufacturing process.

Endotoxin can also cause harm throughout the body.

Fourthly, synthetic RNA, synthetic DNA contamination, and mitochondrial damage can affect any cell in the body.

There are also unknown proteins being produced which could lead to conditions such as amyloids, which again can affect numerous organs.

Other Indicators of Vaccine Harms have set alarm bells ringing in data other than safety surveillance systems, Craig revealed.

Until the rollout of the Covid shots, ambulance callouts for life-threatening emergencies had been steady and predictable at around 2,000 per day in the UK.

Since the mass vaccination campaigns began, there have been 2,500 per day, Craig said.

The skyrocketing numbers of people who can’t work because they have long-term illnesses also tell a story.

The results of surveys show that the number of people who have long-term sickness has been around 2 million since 2012.

“But since the vaccine rollout, this rocketed in spring 2021 and it’s now at 2.8 million,” she said.

The USA data looks similar, she added.

“But since the vaccine rollout, this rocketed in spring 2021 and it’s now at 2.8 million,” she said.

People’s Vaccine Inquiry: Dr. Clare Craig, Pathologist (timestamp 7:08)

Also in spring 2021, a major surge in non-Covid deaths erupted.

“This happened across the vaccinated world,” Dr. Craig said.

“The claim that it was covid that was causing all this excess was a lie,” she testified.

Craig was asked to explain what people were dying from if it wasn’t COVID-19.

“Non-Covid cardiovascular deaths rose with the vaccine rollout and have been high ever since,” she said.

“And deaths in the young have been high ever since, particularly in the 50 to 64-year-old age bracket.

“This is true in almost all [highly] vaccinated countries.”

In the UK, the excess deaths have been lower in London, in the black population, and in lower socio-economic groups.

“These were all groups that were vaccinated less,” Craig said.

“And if you look regionally across the world, less vaccinated areas have had fewer excess deaths since 2022.”

Craig further details how government officials and health agencies around the world have been covering up the harms caused by the injections.

The UK’s ONS has claimed the unvaccinated have a higher Covid mortality rate.

Unvaccinated people also have a higher mortality rate for non-Covid deaths which reveals a bias is incorporated into ONS data.

The bias is because of a demographic difference between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated populations.

“In all likelihood, the unvaccinated had a higher pre-Covid mortality rate,” she said.

“When you take out that bias, the difference [between mortality rates] disappears,” she said.

“So, to claim that the difference would be due to a vaccine, would be a lie.”

“In fact, that gap in mortality between the vaccinated and unvaccinated has not stayed steady,” she added.

“Over time the mortality in the vaccinated has increased and the gap has shrunk.

“When that happened, the ONS stopped publishing the data.

“It’s clear these products were far from safe,” she said.