Canadian Doctor Suspended, Hit with $45K Fine for Prescribing Ivermectin to Treat Covid

Canadian Doctor Suspended, Hit with $45K Fine for Prescribing Ivermectin to Treat Covid

A Canadian doctor has been severely punished by the medical establishment for prescribing ivermectin to some of his patients to treat COVID-19.

Dr. Tshipita Kabongo has been suspended and hit with a large fine for prescribing ivermectin to some of his patients.

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS) claimed that the Regina doctor was engaged in unprofessional conduct.

CPSS ruled that Kabongo was engaged in unprofessional conduct for violating a policy that restricted doctors from prescribing ivermectin or “alternative” therapies to patients.

As a result, Kabongo was hit with a one-month suspension starting August 1.

He was also ordered to pay $44,783.72, which was the cost of the investigation and hearing.

Kabongo worked at the Integrated Wellness and Health Balance Centre in Regina.

He prescribed ivermectin to some of his patients between April 2020 and March 2022.

The CPSS policy prohibits “alternatives” to the Covid mRNA injections as a means to combat the virus.

The policy stated that it is “unethical to engage in or to aid and abet in treatment which has no acceptable scientific basis, may be dangerous, may deceive the patient by giving false hope, or which may cause the patient to delay in seeking conventional care until his or her condition becomes irreversible.”

Instead, the CPSS only promoted the Covid mRNA shots for the virus, which today are known to have many negative side effects.

“The most effective strategy for preventing COVID-19 continues to be immunization,” the CPSS said in a joint letter.

“Ministry of Health-approved vaccines provide a high level of protection.”

According to the CPSS, Kabongo’s recommendation of ivermectin to some of his patients was not “medically” necessary because he did not recommend other treatment options.

In the fall of 2021, Health Canada, along with many medical groups in Saskatchewan and in other provinces, said that using ivermectin to treat Covid was “potentially dangerous.”

However, ivermectin is widely considered to be safe as it is not possible to overdose on the Nobel prize-winning wonder drug.

Additionally, health officials across Canada claimed that there was no evidence the drugs worked to stop the virus.

Instead, the Canadian federal government pushed the experimental Covid mRNA shots as the only means to treat the virus.

However, Dr. Pierre Kory, the author of “The War on Ivermectin,” claimed in testimony that the drug is safe.

Kory said some meta-studies show that it has an 81 percent mortality reduction rate in those with COVID-19 who took the drug.

Cvid vaccine mandates, which came from provincial governments with the support of liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government, split Canadian society.

Many governmental or private sector workers lost their jobs for refusing to get the shots.

Meanwhile, the Covid mRNA injections have been linked to a multitude of negative and often severe side effects in children.

A recent study by a team of experts, that includes prominent cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, shows that the Covid shots have a 200 times higher risk of brain clots than other injections.