UK Politicians Call For Nationalists To Have Their ‘Throats Cut’ & The Arrest Of Tommy Robinson

UK Politicians Call For Nationalists To Have Their ‘Throats Cut’ & The Arrest Of Tommy Robinson

Two British politicians were caught on camera this week as they called for their political rivals to be jailed and murdered.

The first, Labour Party Councillor Ricky Jones was filmed during a counter demonstration saying “They are disgusting Nazi fascists and we need to cut all of their throats and get rid of them all.”

The crowd were seen cheered on his violent rhetoric. Jones even ended his remarks by saying, “God bless you,” without a hint of irony.

Update: A Labour Party spokesman has confirmed that Jones has now been suspended and the UK Metropolitan Police have announced that he has since been arrested on “suspicion of encouraging murder and for an offence under the Public Order Act” Thursday.

InfoWars reports: Also filmed this week, Labour MP Stella Creasy told a group of leftists that Tommy Robinson would already have a warrant out for his arrest if the UK never left the European Union.

Robinson commented on the videos, writing, “2 government officials, in last 24 hours alone, calling for prison and death of people they disagree with. These are the people trying to convince the world that I am the problem.”

“My government, my police & my media have declared total war on me. The full power of the British establishment is targeted at 1 man. I put a 100,000 people on streets in a peaceful rally on July 27th & this reach terrifies them. Expect their media to do hit job after hit job against me,” he added in a separate post.

On Thursday Tommy Robinson joined the Alex Jones Show to warn about the the 1984-style police crackdown on citizens expressing their opposition to the region’s violent migrant invasion.