Former NIH Head Collins Called Out Over Deadly COVID Jabs While Dining With His Wife


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Watch: Former NIH Head Collins Called Out Over Deadly COVID Jabs While Dining With His Wife

Former National Institute of Health Dr. Francis Collins was confronted during an outing with family over his advocacy of the experimental COVID-19 jabs.

Video circulating on social media shows a stunned Collins getting called out over the jabs while dining out with his wife.

“Hey Dr. Collins. You and [virologist] Ralph Baric and [former NIAID Director] Tony Fauci deserve to be in prison for the rest of the your lives,” the man who approached told him.

“You have so much blood on your hands. I hope you sleep well. And remember the name Brianne Dressen,” he added before walking away.

Dressen was a participant in AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials who as left disabled by the jab.

The NIH had overseen AstraZeneca’s U.S. clinical trials in 2020, which enrolled approximately 30,000 adult volunteers at 80 sites in the United States.

Collins stepped down as NIH director on December 19, 2021, after more than 12 years at the helm and just a year after the COVID jabs were introduced in the U.S.

The architects of the COVID-19 pandemic response must be held accountable not only to exact justice for those harmed by the experimental shots, but to ensure more pandemic-related lockdowns and authoritarian measures aren’t imposed in the future.