The Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments at the DNC Tonight


I can’t believe these actually happened.

The Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments at the DNC Tonight

The 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) kicked off tonight, and it went even worse than you’d expect. What was supposed to be a moment of unity and inspiration quickly unraveled into a series of awkward, cringe-worthy moments.

From Biden’s teleprompter struggles to a low-energy turnout and even CNN taking unexpected jabs at the Democrats, the night was a chaotic display of a party trying to keep it together. Here are the top ten moments that made the DNC’s first night one to remember—for all the wrong reasons.

#10 – Jen Psaki inadvertently drops a joke on herself.

To a HALF-EMPTY room: “Trump and Vance speak to a tiny, tiny portion of the public. And that’s a striking thing.”

Look at the room, Jen!

#9 – Republican exposes the truth about Biden’s exit on CNN.

“Biden is known in his career as being one of the best eulogy givers at funerals. And now they’re making him come and give his own career eulogy.”

“I mean, he was bullied out of this race after 52 years of service to the Democratic Party. And it wasn’t all about his age … He had to be dragged out by the fingernails. He’s not here in a happy moment, OK?

“I know this yarn that’s being spun in this hall that he was popular and selfless and handing on. No, no, no. It is the opposite, and everybody knows it.”

#8 – Joe Biden battles the teleprompter and loses.

“Women are now without electrical… not allowed, excuse me, not without electoral (long pause) or political power.”

(Biden gives up)

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#7 – Whoopsie: Michigan governor accidentally EMASCULATES Tim Walz on MSNBC

GRETCHEN WHITMER: “I love Tim Walz. So, Tim, my daughters were saying to me, you know, ‘He’s like a male version of YOU, Mom.’ And I thought that was so funny.”

#6 – Jill Biden says she watched Sleepy Joe “dig deep into his soul and decide to no longer seek re-election.”

Yes, that’s totally how it went down.

Credit: Trump War Room

#5 – AOC receives a standing ovation for saying a whole lot of nothing.

#4 – Democrat tries starting a “We love Joe” chant, and it’s as pathetic as you would expect.

#3 – Joe Biden says with a straight face: “We finally beat Big Pharma!” after mandating government-paid COVID shots for millions of Americans.

#2 – Some random state senator says that Trump “could even weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents!”

Whoopsie: that’s exactly what Kamala Harris and the Democrats have done to President Trump.

Credit: Trump War Room

#1 – Jake Tapper crushes Joe Biden on live TV, and he doesn’t even realize it.

“That fear about [the Democrats’] nominee speaking is gone.”

“Joe Biden who would come out and they [Democrats] would sit on the edge of their seat and hope that he didn’t say something meandering or off message or addled.”

“She [Kamala] is not somebody that in a situation like this is going to cause Democrats that tension that we used to feel in the media, all Americans, when the president would come out and speak.”

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