Why Did Journalists Give Two-Tier Keir an Easy Ride?

Why Did Journalists Give Two-Tier Keir an Easy Ride?

I’m embarrassed to admit that I watched all of Keir Starmer’s speech in the Downing Street Rose Garden and the following journalists’ questions. This wasn’t intentional. I was in my gym with GB News on in the background when Starmer did his ‘blame-the-evil-Tories’ rant.

I won’t bother going into all the dubious claims Keir Starmer, who promised us honesty and integrity in Government, spouted. They have probably been covered in detail by some of the media. What I found more interesting than Starmer’s flatulent, humourless blethering were the questions asked, and more importantly not asked, by the attendant supposed ‘journalists’. This was a chance for our courageous, truth-seeking journalists to really grill Starmer on all the pre-election promises he had already broken and about the logical inconsistency of Labour’s economically-suicidal policies. But our ‘journalists’ wasted the opportunity and gave Starmer such a sycophantically easy ride that one journalist even asked how Starmer felt about the group Oasis announcing its comeback while he was Prime Minister. And, of course, all those present obsequiously laughed at this less than penetrating piece of journalistic interrogation.

Here are just a few of the subjects to which I believe the British public wanted answers and which weren’t even mentioned by our self-serving, lickspittle ‘journalists’.

Mass, open-borders immigration:

  • Why hasn’t Starmer found anyone willing to take the top job at his wonderful new Border Command?
  • When would the number of illegal Channel crossings start to fall?
  • Why are Starmer and Cooper giving an amnesty to almost 100,000 illegal migrants, 95% of whom are young men of military age?
  • Wouldn’t this amnesty just encourage hundreds of thousands more illegal migrants to enter Britain?
  • How could Starmer justify scrapping the winter fuel allowance for British pensioners and planning to massively increase taxes on British citizens while wasting £8 billion-plus a year on hotels and free stuff for illegal migrants?
  • How many ‘evil people-smuggling gangs’ had Starmer and Cooper managed to “smash”?
  • Why can’t Labour move all illegal migrants out of hotels and into internment camps with minimum rations until they agree to go back to the countries they came from?

But unfortunately for us not one of the ‘journalists’ felt that mass, open-borders, illegal, Third* World immigration was a subject worth mentioning.

Economically-suicidal Net Zero:

  • Why are Starmer and MIliband claiming that stopping all oil and gas exploration in the North Sea will improve Britain’s energy security when it’s obvious Miliband’s ban on new exploration licences will make us more dependent on other countries for our energy?
  • Why are Starmer and Miliband claiming that moving from cheap, reliable oil and gas to expensive, unreliable and intermittent wind and solar will reduce our energy costs when it’s blindingly obvious that the move to renewables will massively increase energy costs?
  • Don’t Starmer and MIliband realise that by forcing up Britain’s energy costs, which are already among the most expensive in the world, they are damaging British industry’s competitiveness, destroying British jobs and making any chance of economic growth a fantasy?

But unfortunately for us not one of the ‘journalists’ felt that economically-suicidal Net Zero was a subject worth mentioning.

Two-tier policing:

  • Why have so many of those involved in the anti-immigration riots been arrested, charged and imprisoned when there seems to have been no little to no action against those involved in the Leeds Harehills riots nor those involved in the East London Bangladeshi riots?
  • When are the two gentlemen filmed attacking police at Manchester Airport going to be arrested, charged and imprisoned?
  • Doesn’t Keir Starmer feel that the failure to treat multicultural enrichers with the “full force of the law” while brutally cracking down on any white British protesters could give the impression of two-tier policing?

But unfortunately for us not one of the ‘journalists’ felt that two-tier policing was a subject worth mentioning.

Freebies for multi-millionaire Keir when increasing taxes on the rest of us:

  • Was the suit Starmer was wearing and his glasses part of a reported £20,000 gift of new clothes and glasses from a Labour crony?
  • Does Starmer feel that it is appropriate for someone as privileged and well-paid as him to pocket a reported £20,000 present while crushing us with reduced benefits for pensioners and increased taxes for the rest of us?
  • Wouldn’t it have been better if Starmer had donated the £20,000 to a food bank or charity for those who would be impoverished by Starmer’s benefits cuts and increased taxes?
  • Was Starmer being somewhat hypocritical accusing the Tories of abusing their power by holding a party in the Rose Garden during the pandemic lockdown when only a couple of weeks earlier Starmer had allowed a major donor to Labour to hold a party in the same Rose Garden?

But unfortunately for us not one of the ‘journalists’ felt that Starmer’s greed, selfishness and hypocrisy were subjects worth mentioning.