How the Pentagon’s Civilian Arm Funds Media Manipulation


In the US, government redefines democracy, funds censorship, stifles dissent, erodes trust.

Mike Benz explains how the US government has redefined democracy to prioritize institutional consensus over individual viewpoints and how The National Science Foundation’s pivotal role in funding censorship to sustain media trust.

“The National Science Foundation is probably the main funding artery for most of the censorship ecosystem in the United States… The National Science Foundation is the civilian arm of DARPA… This is the Pentagon’s civilian arm funding $40 million worth of censorship, explicitly, exclusively censorship institutions to stop Americans from delegitimizing the media, to stop Americans from undermining trust in media.”

Benz explains how misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation are used to silence dissent. He warns about the dangers of widespread censorship and urges a critical examination of these practices and their impact on democratic principles.

Pentagon’s civilian arm

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