UK Cops Triggered Female Assault Victim Said ‘A Filthy Migrant’ Spit On & Attacked Her

UK Cops Triggered Female Assault Victim Said ‘A Filthy Migrant’ Spit On & Attacked Her

‘We have a duty to challenge that language because we’re police officers and it’s the law,’ said one cop.

A video out of the UK shows the moment a woman claiming to have been assaulted by a man was chastised by responding police officers when she told them a “filthy migrant” was behind the attack.

When the female victim, who was filming her encounter with the police, asked them if they had a problem with her saying “a dirty migrant just spat on me,” one officer responded, “We have a duty to challenge that language because we’re police officers and it’s the law.”

The feisty woman refused to back down and told the three cops, “He’s filthy, and he’s a migrant, and he attacked me like the other one.

The triggered trio again told the victim her language was “offensive” and that they had to “challenge” her comment.

One of the officers told the woman for a second time that “it is the law” for them to challenge her choice of words, and a different policeman said there was an issue with the statement being made in public.

“Especially when you use that language in public, because there’s people walking past us,” he warned.

“Well, I think filthy migrants attacking people is disgusting,” the victim answered.

The police then threatened the woman by claiming she’s not allowed to swear in public.

After berating the woman for her words after reportedly being assaulted, the cops said they “deserve respect too” and that they’re “just human beings doing” their jobs.

“Well, I’m not interested in a PC lecture,” the lady filming told the group of officers at the end of the video.

The scene illustrates how the leftist mind virus is destroying Western nations.