Ohio Governor Deploys State Troopers to Small Town Battling Haitian Migrant Crisis

Ohio Governor Deploys State Troopers to Small Town Battling Haitian Migrant Crisis

The flood of Haitian migrants in the small town of Springfield, Ohio has been causing chaos for local residents.

However, wealthy Democrat elites in Washington D.C. and their corporate media allies have no interest in addressing the issue.

Instead, they insist that complaints from local residents are “fake news.”

When President Donald Trump raised the issues caused by 20,000 Haitian migrants being dumped in the town of fewer than 60,000, Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris dismissed the warnings as “unbelievable and extreme.”

It now appears that some action will be taken and the town will receive some support from law enforcement.

Republican Ohio Governor Mike DeWine ordered State Highway Patrol troopers to go to Springfield to address traffic problems caused by the flood of Haitian immigrants in the city, according to the Associated Press.

The town has seen a huge spike in road traffic accidents due to migrants driving without licenses.

In the next two years, DeWine will also allocate $2.5 million to expand healthcare access.

Since 2020, approximately 20,000 immigrants from Haiti have come to Springfield, Ohio, thanks to the Temporary Protected Status.

The federal program offers immigrants temporary legal status that has been massively expanded under the Biden-Harris administration.

“As these numbers dramatically pick up, there’s some obligation for the federal government to help local communities who had nothing to do with the decision about people coming in, but now find themselves with a massive number of people,” DeWine said, according to the Columbus Dispatch.

“I want the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do everything we can to help the community deal with this surge of migrants,” DeWine said in a news release on his website.

“The federal government has not demonstrated that they have any kind of plan to deal with the issue.

“We will not walk away,” he said.

DeWine said the rise in Haitians should be addressed by the Biden-Harris administration.

“The federal government needs to assist these communities with funding because these dramatic migrant surges impact every citizen in the community — the moms who have to wait hours in a waiting room with a sick child, everyone who drives on our streets, and the children who go to school in more crowded classrooms,” he said.

“The federal government does not have a plan to give any support to the communities impacted by surges, and we have absolutely no indication that a plan is coming in the near future,” he said.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost said his office is looking at every possible avenue to “stop the federal government from sending an unlimited number of migrants to Ohio communities,” according to a news release posted on his website Monday.

The release said cities such as Springfield “have been inundated and overwhelmed by surging migrant populations.

“The sudden and extreme population growth has strained the city’s economic, medical, and educational systems.”

“This is absurd – Springfield has swollen by more than a third due to migrants,” Yost said in the release.

“How many people can they be expected to take? What are the limits to the federal government’s power?

“Could the federal government simply funnel into Ohio all the millions of migrants flooding in under the current administration’s watch?”

“There’s got to be a limiting principle.

“We’re going to find a way to get this disaster in front of a federal judge,” he said.

Yost added that the issue is “a massive increase in the population without any communication or assistance from the federal government.”

Yost has also pushed back against efforts to hide the crisis from government officials and the media.

Local residents have been raising the issues to the city council.

Residents say migrants are sleeping rough on their property and eating local wildlife and people’s pet cats.


“There’s a recorded police call from a witness who saw immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield,” Yost posted on X.

“Citizens testified to City Council.

“These people would be competent witnesses in court.

“Why does the media find a carefully worded City Hall press release better evidence?”