Researchers Warn Geoengineering Is ‘Crime Against Humanity’

Researchers Warn Geoengineering Is ‘Crime Against Humanity’

A group of leading experts has warned that efforts to manipulate the weather and climate through geoengineering are “crimes against nature and humanity.”

The warning was issued in a scientific paper titled “Geoengineering Disinformation: Two Opposing Testimonies and the Stakes for Humanity.”

The paper was published in the Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal.

The leading experts who co-authored the paper are:

  • Captain Mark Hagen, a retired airline pilot
  • Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, geo-astro nuclear scientist
  • Mark Whiteside, a physician and Florida Public Health Official
  • Ian Baldwin, a retired publisher and environmentalist

They reveal that covert military geoengineering operations have been ongoing for the better part of three decades.

According to the paper, civilian airlines based in NATO countries are part of this global operation.

They argue that the motivation behind the geoengineering efforts is to warm the planet.

By raising Earth’s temperature, those behind the scheme hope to gain access to the immense stores of hydrocarbons and strategically important minerals beneath polar ice.

To keep the public from understanding what is going on, the governments involved, led by the United Nations (UN), have resorted to spreading disinformation on an unprecedented scale.

The disinformation campaign involves mixing truth with lies and half-truths while omitting truths.

The effort aims to keep the public misinformed and ignorant and, therefore, disinclined to protest or otherwise intervene.

Two long-term observers, one a geoengineering critic, the other a retired commercial airline pilot, provide differing testimony for the geoengineering holocaust.

In their paper, the experts argue that the 1978 “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques” treaty (ENMOD) does not actually ban weather warfare, despite its misleading title.

In fact, by mandating environmental modification for “peaceful purposes” with broad language, ENMOD effectively greenlights and even mandates geoengineering activities.

The authors allege that ENMOD is the UN’s pseudo-legal justification for covert geoengineering operations.

They specifically cite the possibility of using coal fly ash, the toxic waste product of burning coal, to induce global warming and melt polar ice for resource acquisition.

The paper presents scientific evidence, including rainwater and snow analyses, showing elevated levels of elements consistent with coal fly ash, suggesting its use in covert atmospheric spraying.

Data from laboratory testing of samples of rainwater and snow “strongly suggest that coal fly ash is being used in worldwide covert geoengineering operations,” the authors said.

For several years Jim Lee, founder of ClimateViewer, has promoted the idea that chemtrails are the unintentional consequence of aircraft exhaust.

Lee points to the widespread adoption of a new type of jet fuel in 1998 as the source of chemical additives.

In March, Del Bigtree invited Lee to discuss geoengineering on The Highwire.

Lee told Bigtree: “Every single chemical that has ever been attributed to chemtrails that everybody’s ever complained about can be found in jet fuel and its additives.”

The authors challenge claims made by Lee, arguing that the presence of numerous toxic elements in chemtrail samples cannot be solely explained by fuel additives and pointing to a deliberate and potentially harmful geoengineering operation.

To the uninformed, Lee’s use of the word “additives” may seem innocuous, the paper’s authors said.

“However, toxic fuel additives, such as tetraethyl lead, are now typically banned … [Yet tested rainwater and snow samples] include numerous toxic elements, such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury and many others.

“Lee’s claim begs the question: What could be the source of these multiple toxic elements that make up the chemtrails we witness in the skies above us?

“Inexplicably these new jet fuel additives have not been legally prohibited. Why not?”

The experts also claim that commercial airline jets are being used for chemtrail operations.

The paper includes an account from Hagen, a retired commercial airline pilot and a co-author of the paper.

Hagen says he observed a significant increase in persistent contrails after 1995, further supporting the authors’ claims of a change in atmospheric activities.

The pilot observed and made notes of airplane chemtrails over three months in 2014 and noticed distinct patterns.

He concluded that not all aircraft produce these chemtrails.

“I began to look for a pattern as to why most commercial aircraft were leaving chemtrails behind but yet there were some that were not,” he said.

Through observation and using, Hagan deduced that only commercial flights departing from major airports within the United States and airports located in NATO nations produced chemtrails.

Flights from smaller regional airports and non-NATO nations did not.

“After months of analysis, I discovered that all flights departing from NATO nations were leaving chemtrails behind,” Hagan said.

“Flights that were departing from non-NATO nations did not have chemtrails. Interestingly these same airlines would fly from Los Angeles north to Canada and over the pole would always have chemtrails because they were fuelled in Los Angeles.

“This, of course, is a generalization based on somewhat limited data.

“But it did become apparent to me that not all countries are taking part in the geoengineering program.”

Hagan suggests that atmospheric conditions play a role in the visibility of these trails.

He believes that, based on his experience and observations, a substance is being added to jet fuel at the refinery level to create these “chemtrails,” and that this is being done without the knowledge of commercial airlines.

“I am [ ] absolutely convinced that the geoengineering is being administered through oil refineries and, I suspect, that it is unknown to the management of the commercial airlines,” Hagan said.

“I also believe that some countries are taking part in the program while other countries are not.

“The reason that all countries are seeing geoengineering, even if they’re not taking part in the program, is because they have flights passing that are taking part in the program.”

The paper’s authors argue that the use of aerosolized coal fly ash in geoengineering operations is causing widespread environmental damage and poses a severe threat to life on Earth.

Beginning on page 9 of the paper, the authors describe the crimes against humanity and the environment being committed by chemtrail operations.

They argue that aerosolized coal fly ash particles, rich in iron oxide nanoparticles, pose severe threats to human health, the environment, and broader ecological devastation.

The paper states that coal fly ash, dispersed into the atmosphere, contaminates the environment with mercury, depletes the ozone layer, disrupts the iron balance in nature, and leads to various health problems in humans, including lung disease, immune system dysfunction, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

The authors further assert that this practice is a major factor in forest fires, harms plant and animal life, and contributes to the decline of insects, birds, and bats.

They maintain that geoengineering is having the opposite effect of its intended purpose and is exacerbating global warming rather than mitigating it.

The authors conclude by calling for accountability for those responsible for geoengineering operations, which are “crimes against nature and humanity.”

“Disinformation, now pervasive not only in official government circles but also non-governmental media, ever more so since the onset of covid in 2020, serves to obfuscate the truth by mixing it with lies, half-truths, and truths that are deliberately left unspoken,” the experts warn in the paper.

“Ongoing long-term geoengineering is not acknowledged by academia, the press, environmental organizations, peace activists, or any other group.

“For thirty years, it has had a free pass.

“Because geoengineering relies on a large mix of highly toxic chemicals and the collusion of the worldwide commercial airline industry, it has become a planetary scourge – hiding in plain sight.

“Those who knowingly deceive the public about radically destructive geoengineering operations not only betray the truth but life itself.

“They should be held accountable for crimes against Nature and Humanity.”