Why Christians Have a Biblical Responsibility to Vote for Donald Trump


Not Voting Is Not An Option

Op-Ed: Why Christians Have a Biblical Responsibility to Vote for Donald Trump

As Christians, we face a pivotal moment in American history, a moment that calls us to stand firm on our faith and make decisions that reflect our Biblical values. In this current political climate, where morality and truth are often under attack, it is our responsibility as followers of Christ to cast our votes in alignment with God’s Word. I firmly believe that voting for Donald Trump in this upcoming election is not only a civic duty but a biblical one.

Let me walk through the Scriptures that guide us in this responsibility.

1. Supporting Leaders Who Uphold Justice and Righteousness

The Bible is clear about the role of leaders and the qualities that God desires in them. Proverbs 29:2 tells us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” As Christians, we are called to support leaders who will uphold righteousness and justice, as defined by God’s moral law. While no leader is perfect, Donald Trump has demonstrated a commitment to protecting religious freedoms, supporting pro-life policies, and appointing conservative judges who uphold Biblical values. These actions directly align with God’s desire for justice and the protection of life, making Trump a leader Christians can support with a clear conscience.

2. Defending the Sanctity of Life

One of the clearest biblical mandates is the defense of life. Psalm 139:13-14 reminds us that God “knit [us] together in [our] mother’s womb,” and that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” The sanctity of life is a core Christian value, and Trump has taken a strong stance on protecting the unborn. From his appointments of pro-life justices to his defunding of organizations that perform abortions, Trump has acted in ways that defend the most vulnerable among us.

As Christians, we cannot ignore our responsibility to protect life in all stages. Proverbs 24:11 commands us to “rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.” Voting for a candidate who supports pro-life policies is one way we can actively follow this command.

3. Religious Freedom and the Right to Worship

The freedom to worship God and live out our faith without persecution is central to our Christian walk. Hebrews 10:25 calls us to “not neglect meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.” The freedom to assemble and worship has come under increasing pressure in recent years, with growing secularism threatening to stifle Christian voices in public life. Donald Trump has made religious liberty a key issue during his presidency, ensuring that churches and religious organizations are protected.

His actions to defend Christian bakers, schools, and other institutions from government overreach reflect a Biblical defense of our right to practice our faith freely. Acts 5:29 teaches us to “obey God rather than men,” and when secular authorities encroach on our faith, we need leaders who will stand firm for the freedom to live out our Christian beliefs.

4. Standing for Biblical Morality and Family Values

Genesis 2:24 establishes God’s design for marriage as “a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Family is the foundation of a strong society, and any leader who seeks to protect the traditional family structure is acting in accordance with biblical principles. Donald Trump has consistently promoted policies that support the nuclear family, strengthen the economy for working families, and provide educational opportunities for children.

Ephesians 6:4 calls fathers to “bring [their children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord,” and that responsibility becomes increasingly difficult when political leaders promote values contrary to biblical teachings. Trump’s efforts to defend parental rights and to support faith-based educational programs ensure that families can raise their children in accordance with God’s Word.

5. Maintaining Law and Order in a Fallen World

Romans 13:1-4 tells us that governing authorities are established by God to maintain order and justice in a fallen world. We are reminded that, “For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason.” Leaders who uphold law and order are essential for the peaceful flourishing of society, and Donald Trump has positioned himself as a strong supporter of law enforcement, defending the rule of law during times of social unrest.

Christians are called to pray for peace and stability (1 Timothy 2:2), and Trump’s commitment to maintaining law and order is aligned with the biblical command for just governance. Supporting leaders who prioritize the safety and security of their citizens is crucial in fulfilling our duty as stewards of the society God has entrusted to us.

6. The Imperative to Act

James 4:17 reminds us, “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” If we know the moral imperatives God has laid out for us—defending life, protecting religious liberty, supporting the family, and maintaining law and order—we cannot sit idly by. As Christians, our vote is not just a personal preference; it is an act of stewardship of the freedom and democracy that God has given us.

In 1 Peter 2:13-14, we are called to “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.” This passage does not call for blind allegiance, but it affirms that God works through human authorities to accomplish His purposes, and we must participate in the process of electing those who will stand for righteousness.

7. Kamala Harris: The Antithesis to Biblical Teachings

As Christians, we must also carefully examine the policies and values of Kamala Harris, who stands in stark opposition to the biblical teachings we hold dear. Her record and platform show a consistent support for ideas and policies that not only conflict with Scripture but, if implemented, would undermine the very moral fabric of our nation. Choosing not to vote, or voting for a candidate who enables these values, is, in effect, aiding in the further erosion of Christian principles in our society.

A. Support for Abortion on Demand

Kamala Harris has been a staunch advocate for abortion rights, even supporting late-term abortions. Proverbs 6:16-17 tells us that the Lord hates “hands that shed innocent blood.” Abortion is the shedding of innocent blood on a mass scale. To support or turn a blind* eye to a candidate who promotes and champions this practice is to turn away from our God-given responsibility to protect life. By not voting, we allow a candidate like Harris, who has consistently fought against pro-life policies, to rise to power unchecked.

B. Attacks on Religious Freedom

Kamala Harris has shown a willingness to support policies that infringe upon the religious freedoms of Christians. As California’s Attorney General, she targeted Christian organizations and even pushed for policies that required religious institutions to compromise their beliefs. Galatians 5:1 commands us to “stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery,” yet under a Harris-led administration, Christians may face increasing persecution for simply living out their faith in public. Failing to vote effectively hands her the authority to further dismantle religious liberties.

C. Undermining the Biblical Family Structure

Kamala Harris has supported and endorsed policies that redefine family structures in ways that conflict with the biblical model of marriage and family. Genesis 2:24 establishes marriage as the union of one man and one woman, but Harris has consistently supported legislation that dismantles this design. She has even supported educational initiatives that promote gender ideology, which contradicts the creation narrative of male and female in Genesis 1:27. Not voting in this election risks allowing these radical ideas to spread unchecked, leading to the moral confusion of future generations.

D. Embracing Lawlessness

Throughout her political career, Harris has often supported or remained silent in the face of lawlessness. As Romans 13:1-4 teaches us, the role of government is to uphold justice and maintain order. However, Harris has, at times, advocated for policies that condone lawlessness under the guise of social justice. Christians are called to pray for peace and stability in the land (1 Timothy 2:2), but under Harris’ leadership, law and order could continue to deteriorate. By not voting, we help empower a leader who, by action or inaction, fosters division and unrest.

Not Voting is Supporting a Dangerous Agenda

Choosing not to vote, as many Christians may contemplate, is not a neutral stance—it is, in essence, aiding Kamala Harris and the very policies that stand in direct opposition to biblical principles. James 4:17 warns us, “So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.” To abstain from voting when the choice is clear is to sin by omission.

By casting our vote, we can stand against the secularism and moral decay that Kamala Harris represents. Voting for Donald Trump becomes not just a political decision but a stand for righteousness, justice, and the protection of Christian values. The stakes are too high for us to remain passive. We must act in accordance with our faith, for to remain silent is to help the rise of those who will erode the very foundations of our biblical worldview.