Slovakia Moves to Ban ‘Dangerous’ Covid ‘Vaccines,’ Declares Pandemic a ‘Fabricated Operation’

Slovakia Moves to Ban ‘Dangerous’ Covid ‘Vaccines,’ Declares Pandemic a ‘Fabricated Operation’  investigation

Top government officials in Slovakia are moving to ban “dangerous” Covid mRNA shots from the country after an explosive investigation determined that the pandemic was a “fabricated operation” and the “vaccines” were a resulting “act of bioterrorism.”

The findings were revealed in a Slovak government commission report on the nation’s investigations into the Covid pandemic.

The investigation was led by Commissioner Peter Kotlár.

In releasing his report, Kotlár held a press conference to call for the immediate ban of the Covid mRNA injections and called on governments around the world to do the same.

Due to the severity of the findings detailed in the report, Kotlár has called for an emergency “session of the government” to immediately ban the “vaccines” and to cut the nation’s ties with the globalist World Health Organization (WHO).

While the report has not yet been made public, Kotlár confirmed that it will be released after the “session of the government.”

However, he did reveal that the report details evidence showing that Covid was artificially created in a biolab and deliberately spread worldwide.

“The most serious consequence of the whole fabricated operation called the COVID-19 pandemic is the endangerment of human health and the confirmation of the naivety of the world population to be subconsciously obedient,” Kotlár said.

“Let us at least make the right gesture together by stopping the administration of mRNA preparations until their effectiveness and safety have been proven,” Kotlar demanded when presenting his report.

The most serious finding is that mRNA preparations alter human DNA, he notes.

The vaccines are therefore dangerous, the commissioner warns.

During the press conference, Kotlár specifically named Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.

Kotlár asserted that government investigators found that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was funding the “fabricated operation.”


Elsewhere during the presser, Kotlár revealed that Dr. Richard M Fleming has been advising the commission.

Dr. Fleming has been tipped to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) if President Donald Trump wins re-election.

Both Fleming and Kotlár made several references to Trump and noted that the 45th president shares their views on bringing justice to those behind the pandemic.

Fleming said he hopes the findings in Slovakia will provoke similar investigations in the United States.

“It is my hope that the materials provided will give you clarity so that you will have the courage to call for the investigation of the Americans through the U.S. government responsible for evolving these bioweapons.

“That you will withdraw these eugenic genetic vaccines from the Slovakian population.

“Stopping the harm and injury occurring to Slovakians, particularly your children.

“And to stand firm in your resolution to not sign the 2024 IHR and to go further with revocation of any presumed actions by the UN giving them authority over your country.”


The commission’s findings have sent shockwaves through the Slovakian government.

Health Minister Zuzana Dolinkova resigned almost immediately after Kotlár’s bombshell press conference.

Her resignation came after only eleven months in office.

Dolinkova justified it with differences of opinion over the budget, which provides for deep cuts in the healthcare system.

However, the sudden resignation was conveniently timed with Kotlár’s announcement about the government commission’s report.

Meanwhile, the government of Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico has declared its opposition to mRNA vaccines.

As a first step, it announced that it would end its cooperation with the WHO over the pandemic and the mRNA vaccine campaign.