Elon Musk Drops Unforgettable Take on Who’s Running the Shadow Government


Here’s what he said at today’s town hall.

Elon Musk Drops Unforgettable Take on Who’s Running the Shadow Government

Elon Musk fired up a packed crowd at Ridley High School in Pennsylvania today, delivering an unforgettable 55-minute speech. Right out of the gate, the world’s richest man got the crowd cheering when he said, “The hell with” anyone who opposes free speech, the Constitution, secure borders, and sensible spending.

“I’ve been told at times that these are, like, right-wing values. I’m like, ‘Are you insane*?’ These are literally the fundamental values that made America what it is today. And anyone who’s against those things is fundamentally anti-American. And the hell with them!”

It didn’t take long before a Trump supporter shouted to Musk that George Soros is “evil”—to which Musk responded with a clear “Yeah.”

He said Soros is “honestly misanthropic” and that “for someone who sort of claims to be doing good, but actually he is not. He is tearing down the fabric of society

Musk continued to drop 90 seconds of pure facts.

He said the Second Amendment is there to protect the First and warns that once you disarm a population, the country is doomed to become Venezuela.

Musk then called out Maduro, saying that he lost in a landslide but rigged the election. And the only reason Maduro was able to hold onto power is because the disarmed citizens can’t fight back.

“So now you’re facing soldiers with assault rifles. Are you going to throw some sticks at them or something? Use finger guns? It doesn’t work. So Maduro, even though he lost the election, is still in power. And that’s the kind of risk that we face,” Musk said.

Switching focus, Musk revealed to the town hall attendees why he was even there in the first place.

“I haven’t been politically active before. I’m politically active now because I think the future of America and the future of civilization is at stake.”

The crowd responded with a thunderous round of applause.

One of the local residents from the area got amped up when he welcomed Elon Musk to Ridley High School, made him an honorary “Raider,” and handed him a football jersey.

Musk handled the situation with pure grace.

The local asked Musk what he could do to get Donald Trump across the finish line, and Musk answered, “Registration, registration, registration, registration, every single day,” reminding everyone that there are only three days left to do so in Pennsylvania.

“If there’s ever a weekend to spend going hog wild on registration, this is it.”

One local resident brought up her concerns about election fraud, and Musk expressed that he could also smell something fishy with Dominion voting machines.

In fact, Musk found it to be a “heck of a coincidence” that Philadelphia and Maricopa County use Dominion voting machines but “not in a lot of other places,” saying that the last thing he would want to do is trust a computer program “because it’s just too easy to hack.”

“I know a lot about computers, and I’m like, the last thing I would do is trust a computer program because it’s just too easy to hack. It’s too easy to add just one line, and it’s really difficult to hack paper ballots.

“So in-person voting with proof of ID, which, by the way, every country has. Almost every country that has democratic elections requires in-person voting with voter ID.

“This is weird. It’s super weird to not have that. I think that’s the only way to effectively address fraud, given that we are where we are today.

“I think we just need a very big margin of victory. If the margin of victory is big enough, then as I say, it’s got to beat the cheat,” Musk said.

Musk got into seriously risky territory of upsetting the establishment when he challenged government spending and reminded politicians that the tax dollars they spend belong to the American people.

“For some weird reason, a lot of people in the state, the politicians, they seem to forget that the money being spent is your money. And if it’s not being spent in a way that is beneficial to the American people, it’s a misuse of the funds,” Musk argued.

The bombshell of the night dropped when a voter asked Elon Musk, “Do you think there is a shadow government behind the Biden-Harris administration?

Musk replied with an awesome answer.

First off, he said, “It’s not Biden. We know that for a fact. The dude has barely got two functional neurons.”

What about Kamala? Elon answered that it’s not her either. “They just replaced the Biden puppet with the Kamala puppet, very obviously. If the teleprompter stops working, then the puppet breaks, and it’s like, ‘Oh, the puppet just starts looping because the teleprompter broke.’”

So who is it? Musk said that he believes “There isn’t any one sort of puppet master but maybe a thousand or “a lot.”

During his interview with Tucker Carlson, Musk said that there is a very high chance that Kamala’s top puppet masters happen to also be on the Epstein client list.

He explained that’s why they’re so terrified of a Trump victory because if Trump wins the election, the Epstein client list is coming out.

Musk believes in this crossover relationship so strongly that he said it again during today’s speech.

“[It’ll] be interesting to see the crossover between the Epstein client list and Kamala’s puppet masters. I bet there’s a lot of names that appear in both lists.”

The town hall ended in the most heartwarming way possible when Elon Musk dedicated some of his time to a young fan.

In the middle of a serious question, a young child interrupted him, and instead of getting frustrated, Elon signed his hat and snapped a picture with him.

This act was so classy that popular X video clipper @mazemoore said, “Thank God for that man. This election would already be over if not for him buying this site [X] and deciding to support Trump.”