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WEF Urges Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Talk About ‘Tsunami of Deaths’ Among Vaxxed

WEF Urges Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Talk About ‘Tsunami of Deaths’ Among Vaxxed

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has urged government’s around the world to begin arresting citizens who publicly talk about the tsunami of deaths among...
New Disease Emerges That Only Infects Fully Covid Vaxxed

New Disease Emerges That Only Infects Fully Covid Vaxxed

A new disease has emerged that only seems to infect people who are “fully vaccinated” for Covid. The new autoinflammatory ailment was first discovered in...
‘Smoking Gun Evidence’ Shows Covid Shots Are ‘Designed to Kill’

Smoking Gun Evidence Shows Covid Shots Are ‘Designed to Kill’

A leading American attorney has presented “smoking gun evidence” showing that Covid mRNA shots were “designed to kill” as many people as possible. Attorney Thomas...
SMOKING GUN: Uncovered spike protein “SARS-CoV” blueprints reveal PLANNED RELEASE of deadly COVID bioweapon

SMOKING GUN: Uncovered spike protein “SARS-CoV” blueprints reveal PLANNED RELEASE of deadly COVID bioweapon

Months before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" was officially announced to the world in early 2020, scientists in China were working on a synthetically engineered "SARS-CoV"...
Swiss health insurance report: People receiving cancer treatment since 2020 skyrocketed by 73% after rollout of COVID vaccines

Swiss health insurance report: People receiving cancer treatment since 2020 skyrocketed by 73% after...

A major health insurance company in Switzerland previously reported that since 2016 the number of patients receiving cancer treatments has decreased. However, in 2021,...
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