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Brain Damage Soaring Among Covid mRNA Vaxxed

Brain Damage Soaring Among Covid mRNA Vaxxed

A major investigation has been launched into Covid mRNA injections as soaring numbers of vaccinated people have been reported with brain damage and neurological...
German public broadcaster airs report on vaccines “contaminated” with DNA on prime-time TV

German public broadcaster airs report on vaccines “contaminated” with DNA on prime-time TV

On Tuesday in its programme ‘Umschau’ (English: Review) German public broadcaster Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (“MDR”) aired a report ‘Corona vaccine under criticism – What’s the truth?’. It...
mRNA Vaccines May Produce Random, ‘Nonsense’ Proteins That Can Trigger Unintended Immune Response — Did Pfizer Know?

mRNA Vaccines May Produce Random, ‘Nonsense’ Proteins That Can Trigger Unintended Immune Response —...

An inherent defect in the modified RNA (modRNA) instructions for the spike protein in COVID-19 immunizations causes cells to produce “off-target” proteins in addition...
mRNA Recipients Now Experiencing Major Personality Changes, Scientists Warn

mRNA Recipients Now Experiencing Major Personality Changes, Scientists Warn

Recipients of the toxic mRNA jabs are now experiencing major personality changes that are eerily similar to the negative side-effects of having a lobotomy. At...
Vaccinated Piers Morgan Reveals He Has VAIDS – Blames Non-Vaxxed

Vaccinated Piers Morgan Reveals He Has VAIDS – Blames Non-Vaxxed

UK talk show host Piers Morgan has developed Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) as a result of repeated mRNA shots and boosters. According to Morgan,...
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