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UK Telegraph Bombshell: ‘Millions Of Vaccinated People Now Have VAIDS’

UK Telegraph Bombshell: ‘Millions Of Vaccinated People Now Have VAIDS’

Millions of people injected with mRNA Covid jabs have gone on to develop vaccine acquired immune deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS), according to a bombshell new report. More than...
New Zealanders’ health and longevity are being sacrificed to save politicians and civil servants

New Zealanders’ health and longevity are being sacrificed to save politicians and civil servants

Dr. Guy Hatchard highlights three recent studies from South Korea on the harms caused by covid injections.  In light of the arrest of the...
DIED SUDDENLY: Fauci Lied & Hundreds of Thousands of Children Died: Secret CDC Report confirms over 100k Youngsters ‘Died Suddenly’ in the USA following roll-out of COVID-19 Vaccines

DIED SUDDENLY: Fauci Lied & Hundreds of Thousands of Children Died: Secret CDC Report...

Time and time again throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, stood at the podium, the bright lights of the cameras blinding him as he faced...
UK Gov’t Warns of Explosion in ‘Turbo Cancers’ Following Jab Rollout

UK Gov’t Warns of Explosion in ‘Turbo Cancers’ Following Jab Rollout

The UK government has warned that an unprecedented number of teenagers and young adults are dying from “turbo cancers” since the mRNA jabs were rolled out. The...
Moderna confirms COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer

Moderna confirms COVID mRNA Vaccines cause Cancer

Moderna has admitted its mRNA COVID vaccine causes CANCER after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection. The revelation was...
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