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Top Microbiologist Calls mRNA Injections ‘Crime Against Humanity’

Top Microbiologist Calls mRNA Injections ‘Crime Against Humanity’

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired University of Mainz professor of microbiology, has emphasized the dangers of RNA vaccines and their potential to cause genetic...
Former WEF Member Turned Whistleblower Warns About Globalists Plan To Microchip People

Former WEF Member Turned Whistleblower Warns About Globalists Plan To Microchip People

The global elite plan to coerce populations into having microchips implanted under their skin to be able to access digital currencies, Universal Basic Income...
Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Hundreds of Billions of DNA Molecules Per Dose’ in mRNA Covid Jabs

Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Hundreds of Billions of DNA Molecules Per Dose’ in mRNA Covid...

A new peer-reviewed scientific study has found the “presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose” in both Pfizer and Moderna mRNA...
‘Start Reading Labels’: Food Producers Caught Quietly, Deceitfully Putting Insects In Our Food

Start Reading Labels: Food Producers Caught Quietly, Deceitfully Putting Insects In Our Food

People who care about their health and do not wish to introduce bugs, insects and crickets to their diet will need to start reading...
Klaus Schwab Signs Order Drafting US Men and Women to Fight For Globalists in WW3

Klaus Schwab Signs Order Drafting US Men and Women to Fight For Globalists in...

American men and women are set to be imminently drafted to fight for the globalists in World War 3 if Klaus Schwab gets his...
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