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Trump Blasts Biden for Labelling MAGA ‘Terrorists’ While Funding Hamas & Taliban

Trump Blasts Biden for Labelling MAGA ‘Terrorists’ While Funding Hamas & Taliban

Former President Donald Trump has slammed Joe Biden for daring to call MAGA supporters “terrorists” while secretly funding Hamas and Taliban terrorists in the...
Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

An official new study out of Japan has concluded that all Covid variants were engineered in biolabs and intentionally released into the public. The mainstream...
Biden Sends $8 Billion In Emergency Military Aid To Israel

Biden Sends $8 Billion In Emergency Military Aid To Israel

Not satisfied with sending hundreds of billions of US taxpayer dollars to Ukraine, US President Joe Biden has approved an emergency military aid package...
Mike Pence Sinks To New Low, Blames Trump For Hamas’ Sneak Attack on Israel

Mike Pence Sinks To New Low, Blames Trump For Hamas’ Sneak Attack on Israel

Former Vice President Mike Pence slammed Donald Trump following Hamas’ sneak attack on Israel and tried to shift the blame for the actions of...
Biden-Equipped Taliban Ask Iran for Passage to Israel to Join The Jihad War Against Israel

Biden Equipped Taliban Ask Iran for Passage to Israel to Join The Jihad War...

So not only is Biden’s billions to Iran funding this genocidal war, but Biden’s unimaginable militarila left to the Taliban. Billions of dollars in...
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