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Bill Gates: People Who Resist ‘mRNA Tsunami’ Will Be Excluded From Society

Bill Gates: People Who Resist ‘mRNA Tsunami’ Will Be Excluded From Society

Experimental mRNA jabs are set to replace all of our medicines, according to Bill Gates and the globalist elite, who are warning that we...
Scientists Develop ‘Airborne mRNA’ To Vaccinate Populations Without The Need For Consent

Scientists Develop Airborne mRNA To Vaccinate Populations Without The Need For Consent

Scientists at Yale University have developed a new form of “airborne mRNA” that they claim can be rapidly deployed to vaccinate large populations without their knowledge...
FBI Discover ‘Sickening’ Satanic Elite Pedophile Ring Involving Major Politicians

FBI Discover ‘Sickening’ Satanic Elite Pedophile Ring Involving Major Politicians

The FBI have discovered evidence of an online Satanic pedophile ring involving major politicians and powerful businessmen, according to a bombshell report by The Guardian. A New York...
WEF Caught Orchestrating U.S. Border Crisis From Military Bases in Panama

WEF Caught Orchestrating U.S. Border Crisis From Military Bases in Panama

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken control of several American military bases in Panama and is orchestrating the invasion of migrants that are...
WHO Declares It Is Now the De Facto ‘World Government’

WHO Declares It Is Now the De Facto ‘World Government’

Governments around the world are preparing to surrender full governmental control to the WHO to establish a One World Government, a leading expert has...
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