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Trump Releases Bold Statement Pushing for Responsible Marijuana Use in Florida

Trump Releases Bold Statement Pushing for Responsible Marijuana Use in Florida

“We do not need to ruin lives & waste Taxpayer Dollars arresting adults with personal amounts of it on them.” In a powerful statement on...
How Trump Managed to Keep the World at Peace During His Presidency

How Trump Managed to Keep the World at Peace During His Presidency

Trump champions war-free presidency, condemns rigged election, vows Ukraine resolution. Politics is a dirty game, and Trump doesn’t shy away from playing hardball. He boasts...
Historic Christian Churches Are Burning To the Ground In France At a Rate of 1 Every 2 Weeks

Historic Christian Churches Are Burning To the Ground In France At a Rate of...

Historic churches are burning to the ground in France at the shocking rate of one every two weeks – and yet according to Macron’s...
Trump Warns of ‘1929-Style Depression’ If Kamala Harris Wins Election

Trump Warns of ‘1929-Style Depression’ If Kamala Harris Wins Election

President Donald Trump has warned the American people they will be facing a grim economic outlook if Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris wins the...
Video Shows Kamala Harris Wearing Headphones to Ignore Media

Video Shows Kamala Harris Wearing Headphones to Ignore Media

Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris was caught on camera seemingly avoiding the media by plugging in her headphones to ignore questions from reporters. Video shows...
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