WEF Took $100 Billion in Profits from ‘Carbon Taxes’ Last Year

WEF Took $100 Billion in Profits from ‘Carbon Taxes’ Last Year

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is gloating that the unelected globalist organization raked in a whopping $100 billion in profits from “carbon taxes” last...
SICK – 15-yr-old describes incest porno book she was forced to read in NC classroom and is now LEAVING the school over it

SICK – 15 yr old describes incest porno book she was...

A 15-year-old from the Dominican Republic is leaving Athens Drive High School in Wake County, North Carolina after she was forced to read a...
Terror groups use Israel-Hamas war to bolster recruiting, inspire lone-wolf attacks

Terror groups use Israel-Hamas war to bolster recruiting, inspire lone-wolf attacks

Western officials are concerned that fallout from the Israel-Hamas war will result in attacks on their turf. Islamist terror organizations are using the outrage from...