Trump and DeSantis Slam Budget Deal That Would ‘Give’ Biden Authority to Shut Down the Border

Trump and DeSantis Slam Budget Deal That Would ‘Give’ Biden Authority...

The day after President Joe Biden made overtures to the Congress to be given authority to purportedly address the border crisis — authority that...
Iowa County Supervisor’s Wife Convicted on 52 Counts of ‘Voter Fraud’

Iowa County Supervisor’s Wife Convicted on 52 Counts of ‘Voter Fraud’

The Biden administration has vehemently denied that any voter fraud took place in the 2020 election. However, the Biden Justice department’s recent prosecution of an alleged case of...
Woke British Police Officer Threatens To Arrest Christian Woman Singing Hymns in Public

Woke British Police Officer Threatens To Arrest Christian Woman Singing Hymns...

Video footage of a ‘woke’ British police officer ordering a Christian to stop singing hymns in public has gone viral. The officer is seen in...