Koh Larn Near Pattaya, the Gulf of Siam

Koh Larn, Pattaya, the Gulf of Siam Thailand is famous for its islands, and although Koh Larn, in the Gulf of Siam, is not as...
WEF Urges Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Talk About ‘Tsunami of Deaths’ Among Vaxxed

WEF Urges Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Talk About ‘Tsunami of...

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has urged government’s around the world to begin arresting citizens who publicly talk about the tsunami of deaths among...
Government Funding Influenced Official Recommendation for Covid Shots in Pregnant Women

Government Funding Influenced Official Recommendation for Covid Shots in Pregnant Women

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has been criticized for recommending COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant women despite mounting evidence of potential risks. Reform Pharma, an...