mRNA Recipients Now Experiencing Major Personality Changes, Scientists Warn

mRNA Recipients Now Experiencing Major Personality Changes, Scientists Warn

Recipients of the toxic mRNA jabs are now experiencing major personality changes that are eerily similar to the negative side-effects of having a lobotomy. At...
WW3: German Gov’t Orders Citizens To Turn Their Homes Into Bomb Shelters

WW3: German Gov’t Orders Citizens To Turn Their Homes Into Bomb...

The German government has ordered citizens to start building their own bomb shelters in anticipation of World War 3 with Russia, according to reports. German...
The Death of Meritocracy: Why Woke Culture is Destroying America

The Death of Meritocracy: Why Woke Culture is Destroying America

How Identity Politics and Cancel Culture Threaten Our Nation’s Core Values I wrote this Op-Ed because I believe we are at a critical juncture in...