WEF Scientists Brag Next Pandemic Will ‘Kill Billions’

WEF Scientists Brag Next Pandemic Will ‘Kill Billions’

WEF-funded scientists have warned that the “next pandemic” will be the deadliest virus humanity has ever seen, and will result in the deaths of...
American Farmland Seized to Advance Green Agenda

American Farmland Seized to Advance Green Agenda

American farmland is being seized in order to advance the globalist green agenda of the Biden-Harris administration. Five states in the Midwest are currently battling...
Top Scientist Exposes WEF’s Depopulation Agenda

Top Scientist Exposes WEF’s Depopulation Agenda

A world-renowned scientist is raising the alarm to expose the depopulation agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the globalist organization’s allies. Evolutionary biologist...