Trump Promises Death Penalty for Violent Illegal Aliens to ‘Protect Every American Daughter’

Trump Promises Death Penalty for Violent Illegal Aliens to ‘Protect Every...

President Donald Trump has vowed to seek the death penalty against violent illegal aliens who target American citizens. Trump made the pledge during a trip to the...
Court Sets Precedent for Forced Mandatory COVID Vaccination of Children

Court Sets Precedent for Forced Mandatory COVID Vaccination of Children

A recent court case in North Carolina has set a precedent for the forced vaccination of school children with the experimental gene therapy Covid-19...
Biden-Harris Official Calls for ‘Queering Nuclear Weapons’ to Comply with DEI Agenda

Biden-Harris Official Calls for ‘Queering Nuclear Weapons’ to Comply with DEI...

In an announcement that will likely have America’s adversaries rubbing their hands together with glee, a top official in the Biden-Harris administration’s Department of...