‘Net Zero Is a Scam,’ Top Atmospheric Scientists Confirm

Net Zero Is a Scam: Top Atmospheric Scientists Confirm

Three of the world’s leading atmospheric scientists have declared that the so-called “Net Zero” agenda is nothing more than a globalist “scam.” Distinguished atmospheric scientists...
Greenpeace Co-Founder Admits ‘Climate Change Is a Hoax’ To ‘Push the Globalist Agenda’

Greenpeace Co-Founder Admits ‘Climate Change Is a Hoax’ To ‘Push the...

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore has blown the whistle to warn the public that “climate alarmism” is a hoax perpetrated by the globalist elite to further their...
UK Review of Vaccine Compensation Scheme Ordered by Health Secretary Amidst Dramatic Surge in Claims

UK Review of Vaccine Compensation Scheme Ordered by Health Secretary Amidst...

The Health Secretary has ordered a review of the vaccine compensation scheme after a surge in claims following the pandemic. Victoria Atkins has asked officials to reform...