Leaked Government & Pfizer Documents reveal Bill Gates & Schwab’s Depopulation Agenda

Leaked Government & Pfizer Documents reveal Bill Gates & Schwab’s Depopulation...

‘Covid’ Fake Vaccines are being used for Genocidal Population Control If an experimental vaccine were to damage the heart and immune system in a significant...
Big Pharma Officially Listed As Leading Cause of Death in America

Big Pharma Officially Listed As Leading Cause of Death in America

Big Pharma is now officially the leading cause of deaths in America, according to new data quietly released by the government. Prescription drugs are now the leading...
WEF to Ban Americans from Eating Meat, Owning Cars by 2030

WEF to Ban Americans from Eating Meat, Owning Cars by 2030

A new scheme by the World Economic Forum (WEF) seeks to ensure that all Americans will be banned from eating meat and owning private...