WEF Urges Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Talk About ‘Tsunami of Deaths’ Among Vaxxed

WEF Urges Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Talk About ‘Tsunami of...

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has urged government’s around the world to begin arresting citizens who publicly talk about the tsunami of deaths among...
Top Study Warns of Deadly ‘Covid Vaccine Heart Syndrome’

Top Study Warns of Deadly ‘Covid Vaccine Heart Syndrome’

A peer-reviewed study is raising the alarm about a deadly new “heart syndrome” that is wiping out large numbers of the Covid-vaccinated population. The bombshell...

Top 10 Hotels in Bangtao Beach

Best Places To Stay In Bangtao Beach Bangtao is a multi-faceted holiday destination on Phuket Island’s west coast. Boasting the Laguna Phuket resort complex –...