Stormy Daniels Wore a Bulletproof Vest to Court in New York – But Made Sure It Didn’t Cover Her Cleavage for the Cameras

Stormy Daniels Wore a Bulletproof Vest to Court in New York...

According to her lawyer, Stormy Daniels wore a bulletproof vest to court over fears of what “some nut” might do. Featured image from NY Post. But as...
Just One Out of Fifty Americans Have Taken Newest Covid ‘Booster’: CDC Data

Just One Out of Fifty Americans Have Taken Newest Covid ‘Booster’:...

According to updated data provided by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), approximately 2% of all Americans have received the updated COVID-19...
WEF Pushes ‘Brain Chips’ for ‘Altering Human Beings’

WEF Pushes ‘Brain Chips’ for ‘Altering Human Beings’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing “brain chips” technology that is designed for “altering human beings.” “Directed Energy is being weaponized” and “Individuals’ brains...