Former WEF Member Turned Whistleblower Warns About Globalists Plan To Microchip People

Former WEF Member Turned Whistleblower Warns About Globalists Plan To Microchip...

The global elite plan to coerce populations into having microchips implanted under their skin to be able to access digital currencies, Universal Basic Income...
Joe Biden Explodes Into Senile Rage About Debunked Trump Hoax: ‘How Dare He Say That?’

Joe Biden Explodes Into Senile Rage About Debunked Trump Hoax: ‘How...

Joe Biden exploded into rage on Saturday night in South Carolina, dredging up a discredited Trump hoax to clamor about the presidential frontrunner. Biden devolved...
Bill Gates Funded Bioweapons Experiments to Spread Bird Flu to Humans

Bill Gates Funded Bioweapons Experiments to Spread Bird Flu to Humans

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates invested millions of dollars in bioweapons experiments that sought to manipulate bird flu into jumping to mammals and spreading among...