Whistleblower: Pfizer Workers Were Given “Separate & Distinct” Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’

Whistleblower: Pfizer Workers Were Given “Separate & Distinct” Covid-19 ‘Vaccines’

A Pfizer whistleblower has claimed that some of the pharma giants employees were receiving different vaccines and/or placebos when he worked there. The whistleblower said that...
585 Million Now Killed or Injured by Covid Shots

585 Million Now Killed or Injured by Covid Shots

A leading doctor has just published the latest data on the impact of Covid vaccines that shows a gut-wrenching number of innocent people have...
Worldwide Digital IDs Will Soon Be Mandatory In Order To Participate In Society

Worldwide Digital IDs Will Soon Be Mandatory In Order To Participate...

With a little help from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations has plans which will enslave every...